
QC lab capacity planning

The laboratory should have quality control procedures in place as there is a constant need to monitor the validity of the tests undertaken. Quality control laboratories are constantly being asked to increase analyst and asset utilization, improve first right time and reduce turnaround time. In practice, this means constant work. QC lab capacity planning should be done statistically to review results.

What is the purpose of qc lab?

Planning is a very important part of the entire management process of any industry. Laboratory quality control is designed to detect, reduce and correct deficiencies in the internal analytical process, prior to the publication of patient results, in order to improve the quality of results reported by the laboratory. Samples should be tested based on priorities, effectively grouped with constraints.

Anticipate long-term capacity needs with Binocs

All capacity labs need quality control. With the lab resource scheduler this is possible. Binocs QC labs have short, medium and long-term visibility into their resource needs and can plan analysts and technicians accordingly. Everything together in one place with a single enterprise software solution. Redundancy and stability combined with a LIMS or ERP. Design work and non-testing activities are combined or introduced in a user-friendly interface. The Binocs algorithm checks to see if there are enough qualified technicians and instruments to deliver on time. Long-term planning identifies training plan or outsourcing needs.

QC lab capacity planning from day to day

The user-friendly web app, complete with visual cues and shortcuts, helps you quickly customize what you want – you’re still in control. We can control lab capacity from day to day, who tests and in what order. The Binocs board is ready to be displayed on screen or to print the source.

One effective QC performance model

As a result of value stream mapping and touch time analysis, you can configure how the test is performed. Binocs will use the configuration to schedule and plan the QC load. Any analysis may have its limitations. It also has a specific number of samples per batch and repetition rate. Binocs measures planning adherence, as well as resource utilization and throughput. What’s more, it will tell you what the expected planning and resource utilization performance indicators are for the coming weeks, months and quarters.

Efficiency of work

The reorganization of the laboratory in terms of digitalization and the use of the latest technologies is crucial for the best possible development and planning of research. It is important to remember that technology is developing very rapidly. Discover Binocs software is a state-of-the-art solution that has already been deployed in over 800 teams around the world. This demonstrates its sophistication and effectiveness. With this platform, you can work with information updated in real time. Binocs offers insights into map testing and non-testing activities to get the full picture.

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