
Why Your CBD Might Not Be Working For You

If you’re not feeling any difference from the CBD product you’re taking, you’re not alone. Many people have tried CBD products without any results the first, second, or even third time they take it. You may be thinking at this point, did I buy into a scam? Although your initial experience with CBD didn’t turn out as you hoped, you shouldn’t let this keep you from trying again. There are a few simple and common reasons why your CBD product may not be working for you. To benefit from CBD’s potentially life-altering effects, read on to discover some possible causes for your ineffective experience with CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive component found in the cannabis plant and researched for its potential medical benefits. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD won’t get you “high.” If you’re expecting to feel a buzz similar to a THC high, you should understand that the cannabinoids in CBD don’t affect our bodies in this way. CBD is a non-intoxicating compound that gives a sense of relaxation, which could be interpreted as a “body high.” Additionally, CBD products are best for subtly and potentially alleviating pain, discomfort, and anxiety. Before adopting CBD as a regular supplement, you should talk to your doctor to determine if CBD would be a good option for you.

Here are some common ailments CBD can potentially address:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Inflammation

If you are taking any medications, talk to your doctor to determine how they might interact with CBD. Before you give up on CBD, consider these legitimate reasons you feel it might not work for you.

Your CBD Isn’t From a Reputable Source

CBD seems to be popping up everywhere and in every form imaginable these days. While this may be a great thing in terms of giving consumers more options, some of these companies are selling products that don’t contain high-quality CBD. Because The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to approve CBD products, these scammer companies are taking advantage by selling products labeled inaccurately. When shopping for CBD products, look for evidence of third-party lab tests.

These tests or certificates of analysis (COA) can reveal how much CBD is in a product and whether or not you’re consuming a high-quality product. Reading consumer reviews is another great way to review the brand you’re considering effectiveness. Many CBD users have tried several different brands before finding the one that works for them so if your first try is less than favorable, fear not. Avoiding retailers like Amazon and eBay is another great rule of thumb is you cannot buy legitimate CBD products from platforms that prohibit CBD sales.

Give CBD Time to Build Up in Your System

If the first time you put some drops of a CBD oil tincture under your tongue and don’t experience instant relief, you may need to give CBD time to build up in your system. In fact, full potential benefits of using CBD take about one to two weeks to achieve, and though very rare, for some people it can take as long as several months before they start experiencing a notable difference. CBD requires a certain level of commitment before most users begin seeing any actual results. With that being said, everyone is different and finding the right amount to take can be tricky. The amount of CBD that you should take will depend on your unique biology. As a rule of thumb, you should start with a low amount and slowly increase the amount until you’ve achieved your desired results.

Taking CBD daily can help you sustain a certain level of CBD in your body; however, it is possible to build a tolerance to CBD. If you find that CBD used to work for you and no longer does, then you should take a few days off and allow your system to reset before retaking CBD. Keeping a journal and logging your results is a great way to keep track of your progress and any changes you may notice over time, giving you a more accurate picture of how CBD affects your body. If, after a few months, you’re still not experiencing any of the potential benefits CBD has to offer, you should consider trying a different brand. As with anything being patient is necessary, and in the end, you may find that not giving up was the best thing you could’ve ever done for yourself.

Try Another Delivery System

Everything from CBD bath bombs to skincare is available to consumers, making it difficult to determine the best form of CBD for you and your endocannabinoid system. If you’ve been committed to one delivery system but haven’t had any success, you may want to consider another delivery system that might work better for you. When purchasing a CBD product, consider its bioavailability; this refers to the percentage of CBD that ends up in your system. A CBD tincture that is taken sublingually has greater bioavailability than a CBD gummy because it is absorbed directly into your bloodstream instead of having to go through your digestive tract first.

With a tincture, you’ll get more potentially noticeable results faster depending upon the issues you hope to address or the type of relief you’re searching for. Additionally, research on CBD tinctures suggests that full-spectrum CBD products have potentially greater health benefits than CBD isolate products. A  broader array of cannabinoids is found in these products as opposed to CBD isolate, which is purposely stripped of all other compounds.

CBD is not a miracle cure-all, but it can help in potentially addressing certain discomfort or other painful symptoms. In order to benefit from all of CBD’s wonderful properties, you must live or work towards living an already healthy and balanced lifestyle. Because CBD isn’t a regulated treatment option, speak with your doctor to see how it might interfere with any current medications you may be taking. Before you give up on CBD, consider the above reasons for why it may not be working the way you’d hoped. With patience and a little bit of research, rest assured that the right CBD product is out there for your needs.

Article Written by Amanda González

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