
CBD Oil for Dogs: 7 Benefits & Treatment Guide

Dogs are a family member, too! You cannot say no to their cute nose, squishy little paw pads, and adorable wagging tail that makes sure you adopt them to be a part of your family, and since they’re now a family member they also need care and support. These little fur babies look like they can take over the world but sometimes they too get sick. Nowadays, not only do humans have certain conditions, but dogs do as well. Here’s how our brave fur parents can try CBD to relieve their dogs from their suffering.

CBD Oil for Dogs

Right now, there are no formal studies on how CBD affects dogs. But what scientists know is that cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid receptors located in the central and peripheral nervous systems. This helps maintain balance in the body and keep it in a normal healthy state.

CBD is also used because of its cardiac benefits, anti-nausea effects, anti-anxiety impact, appetite stimulation, and anti-cancer benefits, although there’s no evidence data on this use. While there’s no definitive scientific data on using CBD to treat dogs, there’s solid evidence from dog owners saying that it can treat pain, especially neuropathic pain, and helping to control seizures.

CBD for dogs helps with things like joint support, promotes calm feelings, and even a sense of restfulness. CBD products help calm down a dog with stress from noise or separation anxiety, and they’re becoming popular. This is not new since many human hemp product users have experienced a feeling of calmness caused by CBD. Dog owners also use CBD products to help their pets with poor joint health. There’s a conducted study that utilized CBD products with a focus group of pets with osteoarthritis. The owners of the test group saw an improvement in mobility for their pets from the continuous usage of hemp products.

What Is CBD Oil?

According to Medical News today, CBD is one of many cannabinoids (compounds) in the cannabis plant. Researchers from Harvard Medical School have been looking at the possible therapeutic uses of CBD. Two of the compounds in marijuana are delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD. These compounds have different effects.

Until recently, THC was the best-known compound in cannabis. It is the most active constituent, and it has a psychological effect. It creates a mind-altering “high” when a person smokes it or uses it in cooking. This is because THC breaks down when a person applies heat and introduces it into the body. CBD, in contrast, is not psychoactive. It does not change a person’s state of mind when they use it. However, it may produce significant changes in the body, and it is showing some significant medical benefits.

Possible Side Effects of CBD in Dogs

Even though there’s no scientific data about the side effects of CBD use for dogs, there are still some side effects based on how CBD affects humans. You must use it with a proper dosage to minimize any potential side effects:

  • Dry mouth: CBD can decrease the production of saliva. For dogs, this is manifested as thirst.
  • Lowered blood pressure: High doses of CBD cause a temporary drop in blood pressure. Even if the drop is small, it creates a brief feeling of lightheadedness.
  • Drowsiness: Dog owners use CBD to treat anxiety. The calming effect of CBD can also cause drowsiness, especially in higher doses.

Is CBD Oil Safe for Your Dog?

CBD and THC are chemicals that are extracted from the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol or CBD is the non-psychoactive derivative that provides the health benefits of CBD products. These items don’t give people or animals a “high,” contrary to popular belief. It is the THC that causes this mind-altering effect. It only exists in minuscule amounts in various best CBD oil products in order to produce an “entourage effect” in quality CBD oil products, enhancing their medicinal properties. Despite being a component in CBD oil products, it will not produce psychoactive effects in humans and pets.

More importantly, it is safe for animals because it is non-toxic. Taking too much will not result in fatalities for pets, unlike foods like peanut butter. In fact, the most common side effects of CBD in animals are minor, like sedation or excessive appetite.

CBD also dissolves quickly when your pet orally ingests them, so risks of overdose are minimal. The circulating level dissipates in approximately four hours. This is not the case with humans who may have to dilute the substance in coconut oil to avoid excessive CBD in their bodies.

How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Dog?

There’s no research yet about the safety and risks of using CBD oil with a dog. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration didn’t approve hemp oil and has not released a dosing chart for CBD products. Therefore, we don’t know what size dosage would be toxic. Any medication or supplement with full spectrum CBD carries the risk of a reaction. But if you see that your dog is suffering may really need hemp oil, give your dog a treat. It is always advisable to start out with small amounts when giving your dog something new, then closely monitor the effects. A high quality CBD or full spectrum CBD may have a large effect on pets, even in small amounts. Check to see if the product came from organic hemp or hemp oil, and always check with your veterinarian first. They can tell you the benefits of CBD, and what are the best hemp oil products out there.

7 Benefits of CBD Oil for Dogs

1. CBD is a powerful painkiller for your dog.

CBD oil and other products may benefit pets with chronic pain, such as chronic back pain. CBD has been renowned for its pain-killing properties, and studies show that CBD can help manage pain in different ways.

2. CBD is a known anticonvulsant for your dog.

CBD is a natural anticonvulsant. The anticonvulsant potency of phenytoin was significantly increased when combined with phenobarbital, CBD and phenobarbital plus CBD. Perhaps one of the best known medical uses for CBD is its ability to help control seizures, tremors, tics, and spasms.

3. CBD is anti-inflammatory for your dog.

CBD reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, inhibits T cell proliferation, induces T cell apoptosis and reduces migration and adhesion of immune cells. The inflammatory effects of CBD are believed to be one of the main reasons the compound is so useful in treating a wide variety of conditions.

4. CBD reduces your dog’s anxiety and stress.

A small 2010 study found that cannabidiol could reduce symptoms of social anxiety in people with social anxiety disorder (SAD). Brain scans of participants revealed changes in blood flow to the regions of the brain linked to feelings of anxiety. Much like humans, pets can also suffer from anxiety, stress or even specific phobias, and CBD has been shown to help in this area.

5. CBD is antiemetic for your dog.

There is a strong body of evidence that shows that CBD is a successful antiemetic, controlling both nausea and vomiting while also stimulating appetite. The anti-nausea/anti-emetic effects of CBD may be mediated by indirect activation of somatodendritic 5-HT (1A) receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus; activation of these auto-receptors reduces the release of 5-HT in terminal forebrain regions.

6. CBD may slow tumor growth in your dog.

Studies showed that CBD can help protect against colon cancer in rats by stopping the development, growth, and spread of malignant tumors. Dr. Peter McCormick, from UEA’s school of Pharmacy, said: “THC, the major active component of marijuana, has anti-cancer properties. This compound is known to act through a specific family of cell receptors called cannabinoid receptors. However, it was unclear which of these receptors were responsible for the anti-tumor effects of THC.”

7. CBD promotes homeostasis for your dog.

Many pet users choose to use CBD not only as a medicine to treat a specific illness, but also as a regular supplement to promote the overall health and wellbeing of their pet. Research suggests this might be because CBD promotes anandamide production, one of 2 primary endocannabinoids, which consequently fosters homeostatic regulation by binding to cannabinoid receptors. This promotes nerve cell development in the brain via a process known as neurogenesis.

How to Choose CBD Oil for Dogs

As with any trend on pet wellness, there’s a lot of information listed online about CBD for dogs. You want to do what’s best for your furry family member, which leads to the question: What CBD oil is good for my pup? Not all oils are the same; you’ll want high-quality CBD oil to have a better chance of it working. If you and your veterinarian decide that you should try CBD as a treatment for your dog, there are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing CBD oil:

  • Look for organic. If the CBD oil is not organic, it at least should not contain pesticides, fungicides, or solvents.
  • Don’t price shop. The higher the quality and purity, the higher the cost. You don’t want to go for a cheaper option that could have toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, or heavy metals. Make sure your CBD oil is free of additives.
  • Get the analysis. The manufacturer should provide a certificate that tells you the amount of CBD that is in the product. Many CBD products contain only small amounts of CBD. You’ll also want to make sure there is little or no THC in the product.
  • Buy CBD as a liquid. You can buy dog treats containing CBD, but the best form to administer is an oil or tincture. This way, you can adjust your dog’s dose drop by drop.


Q: Is CBD safe for dogs?

A: Yes — so far, research has indicated that CBD oil is safe for your pets as long as you give them the proper dosage and must be lab tested.

Q: Is it legal to give my dog CBD?

A: Yes, it is legal to provide your dog hemp CBD oil, “hemp” being the important part here.

Q: Will CBD get my dog high?

A: The good news is that the risk of your dog getting high is virtually non-existent, especially if you purchase reputable CBD pet oil. This means a product that is totally natural and THC-free.

Q: How much CBD should I give my dog?

A: The best thing you can do is talk to your vet. This is because there are so many factors at play when choosing the proper dosage and no one knows your dog better than your veterinarian (except you, of course).

Q: Will my veterinarian recommend CBD?

A: Maybe, maybe not. It depends! There is some resistance to nutraceuticals as the research and promotion efforts are heavily funded by the same companies that serve to benefit from the sale of common veterinary drugs and vaccines. Hemp products have side effects also to dogs, so sometimes they recommend hemp oil or not at all. It really depends on the product dosage and pet’s condition.

Q: How do I give my dog CBD?

A: The most common delivery method for CBD for pets is via CBD oil. If your dog is willing, you can place drops directly into their mouth under their tongue (called sublingually in industry terms). But if your dog is resistant to this method, the easiest method is to apply drops to their food.

There are also CBD treats for dogs out there, but again, make sure they come from a reputable brand.

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