
25 Ideas For Increasing Website Traffic

Every business owner, corporate executive or entrepreneur will tell you that their biggest goal is to reach new heights of customer interaction. Their second desire? To reach more and more potential customers through their website.

Expanding the number of visits to your site can be done in any variety of methods. So, in this article, you will learn about twenty-five different methods that are guaranteed to increase website visits and engagement at no cost to you.

1. Advertisements

Advertising may seem like a given, but it is still worth a mention because it is one of your biggest opportunities to drive traffic towards your website. Utilizing all of the markets available for advertising (like Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram) is key to attracting a lot of visitors to your site. The more eyes that land on various ads about your brand, the more likely you are to attract visitors.

As you are building your advertising platform, come up with clearly defined goals. This will help you sort through your strategies and cut out unnecessary expenses. Are you looking for increased visitors, or would like to increase actual customers? Understanding your specific goals is going to make a major difference in which type of advertising you decide to use.

You probably desire a combination of increased site visitors that subsequently lead to higher sales. If this is the case, then you need to learn about utilizing keyword strategies to target your intended audience through your paid avenues. There is a lot of competition in this game, but that just proves that the reward for putting effort into this targeted search strategy pays off in the long run.

2. Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Really good content is only half the battle in the game of business. There is a lot of content on the internet and chances are that your website is not going to be stumbled upon by tons of consumers. You are going to have to put in the work to increase visitors and get your brand in front of a lot of people. Social media accounts are crucial in the game of building viewers for your content.

You have to consider which social media sites best suit your goals. If you are looking to build interest through short, witty comments consider using Twitter.  However, if you sell direct to consumer and have products that interest parents or crafty people, then Pinterest may be better suited to your goals. The bottom line is that you need to understand your audience and tailor your strategy to targeting the right group of people.

3. Rock the Boat

As I mentioned before, there are a ton of strategies available for reaching a targeted audience. No magic recipe exists for creating success in your marketing adventure, and if someone says there is a secret recipe then they may be trying to scam you. This is why it is highly recommended that your content varies in style and reading time. Some of your followers may be interested in shorter reads while some may only be interested in video or picture content only. Everyone has different tastes, and you want to reach as many of those tastes as you can.

4. Create Must-Read Titles

The titles of your content make the most impact on the reader. Readers will simply scroll right past a lousy title, even if the content is monumental and life-changing. You need to do some research on writing powerful headlines. You may even need to draft more than one headline in order to choose between all of the most powerful ones. Whatever you do, make sure you pick a title that will drive readers to want to know more.

5. SEO Tips and Tricks

SEO is alive and well contrary to popular folklore. Search engines are a powerful tool and making sure that your content is optimized for their platform is going to make a big difference in the amount of people your content reaches. Make sure that you practice meta-descriptions and be sure to create internal links within your content. It will pay off in the long run.

6. Do Not Settle for Simple Keywords

If you have your bases covered with popular phrases and high-intent words, then you need to focus on targeting customers who are closer to the point-of-purchase. Using long-tail keywords and phrases gets you more searches and gets you closer to the customers who are far more ready to make a purchase.

7. Consider Starring as a Guest on Another Blog

Guest blogging is a legitimate method for significantly driving traffic from one blog to your own website. This is especially true if you can secure a guest blogging gig on a reputable site with an already recognizable brand. It is important to note that expectations for guest blogging have been altered in the last year or so. You should be extra careful about your methods for using guest blogging as a tactic.

8. Host a Guest for Your own Blog

Having someone write as a guest for your blog is another way to drive more traffic to your site. Having an expert in your niche sit in on your blog is a solid tactic. Chances are, guest bloggers will share the link to their post on your site on their social media pages. This will drive more traffic from their following through your site. But of course, use discretion with who you invite to blog as a guest for you. After all, your reputation is on the line when letting someone else to write for you.

9. Be Irresistible

Partnering with other sites to include links to your content is exhaustive. The process for creating those alliances can be tedious and may even yield little to no reward for you. Instead, write content that other writers simply can’t help but share. Make your content so relatable that it begs to be shared.

10. Use LinkedIn to Your Advantage

Gone are the days that LinkedIn’s primary function is for job searches. The social network has become the largest professional platform for publishing content for business owners and other professionals. You should absolutely be using this gold mine regularly to publish your content and drive huge crowds of traffic to your site. Further, using LinkedIn has an added bonus of building your name’s reputation within your particular industry. As you gain followers on LinkedIn, your professional reputation will grow.

11. More SEO Tips

Search engines really are a powerful tool for driving business to your page. Using schema microdata can create an easier avenue for search engines to parse your pages for content. The goal is that this will make your page more likely to pop up on a search engine results page thus driving more traffic.

12. Utilize Internal Linking

Just like guest blogging, your willingness to link to other sites within your content will affect your reputation. Linking to other content increases your SEO. Further, users are often more pleased with the ease of experience when there is a link for them to click on to read more about an interesting topic.

13. Set Up Interviews with Leaders in Your Industry

It may be easier than you think to land an interview with a reputable leader within your industry, and there is not much work involved in landing these interviews either. Simply shoot the person an email requesting to interview them. If they respond affirmatively, then post the interview to your blog. The name will give your blog credibility and it will drive traffic toward your content. The person you interview will also likely share a link to the interview further increasing traffic to the content. This is an excellent and often underused avenue for driving traffic to your blog.

14. Market Through Email

Email marketing is not dead, it is an untapped method that used to be one of the main attractions for driving traffic. So many companies have become hyper interested in attracting new customers on social media, search engines, etc that they have forgotten about the power of an email. Email marketing is a simple solution to a complicated problem.

The trick is to limit email marketing so that customers do not feel attacked in their inboxes. Stick to a schedule and do not overload your customers with useless content. Utilize the power of email to drive traffic back to your site.

15. Be Accessible

There is a very small portion of the human race browsing content on a desktop. More often than not, content is viewed on a phone, tablet, or other device. If your website is not mobile friendly then you are missing out on a huge portion of viewers who cannot access your site. Spend some time optimizing your website for accessibility across all available devices to make sure that users can read your content from anywhere.

16. Lightning Speed

Faster is always better. This is as true for cars as it is for your website. Users will quickly get bored waiting for your website to load, and they may not come back if it takes too long compared to other sites. Ensure that each of your sections is technically optimized to avoid long wait times for users.

17. Build a Community Feeling

The more of a connection that you can make with the people who build your site, the more likely they are to come back. People love to share their insight to your content, and even more, they love to build on each other’s opinions. This is just part of human nature. If you can build a comment section that allows users to discuss and communicate, you will be more likely to have returning users than if they are not able to communicate.

18. Be an Active Member of the Community

Once you have the community built, it is important that you remain a part of it. Your users will want to hear from you outside of the content you create, they want to feel like they are part of your world. Be sure to make sure that you join in the conversations. This tactic is not about driving more traffic to the site, rather it is about keeping the traffic you already have. Further, that sense of community makes it more likely for readers to share your content via word of mouth.

This is also true of other websites in the industry. Make sure to voice your thoughts in other areas where community is built. This will pay off in the long run.

19. Look at the Data

Take a look at the data on Google Analytics. Just about any question that you may have about the people visiting your site, skipping your site, buying from your site Google Analytics has the answer. This data can be a gold mine of information if you will take the time to keep an eye on it. This can (and should) inform your marketing decisions.

20. Having Social Media Accounts is Not Enough

Signing up for social media accounts is good, but being active on them is even better. Learn how to use the social media accounts you have created to your benefit. Joining conversations on Social Media is a great start, but truly engaging with a variety of people is an even better way to get your name brand out there.

21. Utilize Aggregator Sites

Aggregator sites are websites like Reddit and Google News where users can share and see content relevant to their interests. These websites are tricky, but learning how to utilize them properly can help you build some traffic. Just be sure that you are only submitting content that is useful to the users and that you learn where to submit the content to the appropriate audiences.

22. Exert the Power of Media Content

All of the users on the web are not avid readers. A good bit of web browsers are far more interested in viewing media content, so having a good bit of video and image content can really help your numbers game. A lot of people are arguing that readers are more likely to come back and visit after viewing a video they liked than they are after reading an article they liked. You do with that what you will.

23. Keep Your Enemies Close

Okay, so maybe your competition is not exactly your enemy, but you get the point. Keep an eye out on what the competition is doing. If you are not using a powerful software like BuzzSumo, you need to start. This software keeps tabs on the social goings-on of other websites. This insight can give you a huge insight into competitors and what they are doing. This information is super helpful for you in the long run.

24. Become a Teacher

Whatever your industry is, you are building a name for yourself. Continue building that name by sharing your expertise in the form of a Webinar. Your followers will love learning from the leader in the industry that they know you to be. This is also a great way to build returning users to your website.

25. Be a Lifelong Learner

As much as you should be sharing your knowledge, you should understand that you can also learn more knowledge. Attend some conferences in your industry and continue to learn! If you get brave enough, you should even consider becoming a speaker at one of these conferences.

These 25 tips are going to help you become a master at driving traffic to your website.

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